As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, Fire Ant Contracting has been working hard to ensure the health and safety of our team, their families and our clients while still working to provide quality, timely services. We have put internal policies in place that are consistent with local, provincial and federal efforts and mandates to prevent the spread of the virus. Although the situation changes daily, below is a brief summary of what Fire Ant Contracting has done to date:
-Communicated a formal, written Coronavirus Exposure Control Plan and Safe Work Procedures to our entire staff.
-Required self-isolation for any staff that are showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
-All person's entering or remaining on one of Fire Ant Contracting's sites shall wear a mask or face covering which covers the nose, mouth, and chin. This is required weather the site is outdoors or indoors.
-Enforcing social distancing policies on work sites, meetings and in our office. We have implemented training for enhanced hygiene practices which help limit the potential spread of the virus.
-Increased cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces in our offices, vehicles and work sites especially those which are subject to frequent contact.
-Prepared a small survey that our staff, trade partners, clients and visitors to identify potential health concerns and develop plans on a case-by-case basis for carrying out our required work.
-Instructed staff to carry out any additional cleaning measures where permissible and appropriate in homes and business where we are working.
Fire Ant Contracting remains a full staff and are prepared to respond to new concerns and continue to work on our existing projects. As additional preventative measures are put in place, by the appropriate governing bodies, we will work hard to keep our communication up to date with all our staff, trade partners and clients.
We would like to note that should you require any emergency clean-ups or decontamination following known or suspected cases of the virus, Fire Ant Contracting is ready and able to provide you with those services. Through our IICRC trained staff, we have the skills, expertise and resources to safely and effectively decontaminate residential, commercial and industrial properties.
We would like to wish your teams and families all the best as we navigate these challenging times. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office with any questions, concerns, or to book your cleaning, project quote, renovation quote or our maintenance service.